The body of work that was created by Romanian born ex-dancer Juliu Horvath can be divided into two branches. The Gyrotonic Method, which is performed on specially designed equipment and the Gyrokinesis Method, which is performed on stools, mats and in various standing positions.
The Gyrotonic Method was developed encompassing five distinct pieces of equipment:
Each piece of equipment provides a very specific movement environment for complete whole body workouts. Hundreds of exercises allow for unlimited variations in a lesson plan. Originally, all five machines were meant to offer a circuit training with the pulley tower combination unit as the central piece. The other four are considered “Specialized Equipment.”
The Gyrotonic Method is an original and unique movement method that addresses the entire person by opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and improving strength and movement efficiency. With Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.
The Gyrotonic Method utilizes specialized equipment to guide, assist, and challenge the mover.
People from all walks of life take Gyrotonic classes, including fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, accomplished athletes, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability. Gyrotonic exercises help athletes improve their performance, and rehabilitation clients recover more quickly and fully post injury.
The Gyrotonic Method is practiced in group or private classes under the instruction of a qualified Gyrotonic Trainer.
To become a certified instructor one has to follow the official educational curriculum as designed by Juliu Horvath. The methods are trademark and copyright protected world wide.
The entrance point for new instructors would be either the Gyrotonic or the Gyrokinesis Method. Pre-Training, Foundation Course, Apprenticeship and Review as well as Final Certifications are the steps that have to be taken.
Once an instructor is certified, a wide spectrum of continuing education can be taken through the participation in educational courses. That includes advanced levels of the two methods as well as foundation courses for the specialized equipment. Several master trainers have contributed to the curriculum by designing “Specialized Courses.”
Juergen Bamberger developed the course Gyrotonic PSOAS PRINCIPLES in 2012.
Juergen teaches the entire curriculum of both methods and conducts final certification courses. He is one of the most experienced master trainers in the field and has educated hundreds of new instructors since 1992 in more than 15 countries. His teaching style is defined by depth of understanding, clarity of form and concept, all combined with a sense of humor.
The Gyrokinesis Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method, which coordinates movement, breath and mental focus.
The Gyrokinesis Method is practiced on a mat and chair, without equipment. Without the feedback and guidance of equipment, participants in a Gyrokinesis class are more dependent on their own proprioception to explore movement sequences.
To become a certified Gyrokinesis instructor, one will have to go through the same four steps as in the Gyrotonic certification process (see above). In both certification processes, learning hands on skills is essential. They are an important tool to communicate the intention, direction and mechanics of the movement repertoire.
For certified Gyrokinesis instructors continuing education courses for Level 2 are available. There are also several three day courses, like Happy Moves, the Lotus Blossom formats and the Breathing Intensive that offer a path to an advanced practice.
The human body is designed to work as one harmonious system, to follow arcing and spiraling paths of motion, and to transition from one movement to the next smoothly and efficiently. Gyrotonic Method creator, Juliu Horvath, designed a specialized line of equipment around these natural movement patterns. Because Gyrotonic equipment is highly adjustable, it can be customized to fit each person's unique physique and ability, adapting for things such as height, arm/leg length and range of motion.
All four pieces create versatile three dimensional movement environments to challenge the body, yet each piece has its own “personality.”
The JUMPING STRETCH BOARD was, as the name suggests, invented to mimic jumping movements without the impact of gravity. With the addition of parallel bars, sliders, swivels and a propeller, the exercise possibilities have been vastly increased. Resistance is mainly provided by the weight of the body. High tech bungees are present for additional load. All these features are assembled within a cuboid shaped space. This space provides freedom for both, open and closed chain movements.
The GYROTONER was developed to provide three dimensional adjustment capabilities for the handle unit. 360 degrees adjustability in any plain and dimension. The advantage is full range articulation of all joints of the arms and legs. These deeply expressive movements echo all the way into the spine as well and provide new possibilities for spinal articulation. The resistance comes from a mechanism within the handle joint. The Gyrotoner is ideal for therapeutic applications as well as athletic workouts.
The ARCHWAY evolved from the design of a generic painter’s ladder. By opening the inner space of the ladder and stream-lining the design according to his three dimensional approach, Juliu transformed the ladder into an Archway. It made the equipment more user friendly and allowed for a significant expansion of the movement vocabulary. This piece is probably the most strengthening out of all five Gyrotonic machines, as it uses the body weight for load and resistance. The Archway also provides an ideal environment for fascia training.
The LEG EXTENSION UNIT was designed as a tool to create coordinated strength through out the legs, from the tip of the toes up to the hips and from the hips into the torso. Juliu built this piece with the ballet dancer in mind. His approach evolved over time. The “Wingmaster” was added to include the upper body, resulting in a whole body workout. Again, movements are designed in a three dimensional manner, challenging the mover from as many directions as possible. The repertoire is reminiscent of the Gyrokinesis Method.
Instructors can get certified by taking the foundation course of each piece. Short refresher courses are offered afterwards for updates and changes in the curriculum.